Last Night

Breakfast of toast and tea was followed by a spot of research on the Indian PCR test requirement. It looks like it was damaging tourism for Thailand, so they have removed it again!

We went for a walk to the stadium and a quick 'Bundle' shoe shop stop. That was pretty much the only place open!

We were picked up from our hotel by our friend who wanted to take us to visit his old schools. The primary school was in new buildings now and the old ones left to decay. The secondary school was rather special - Kolej Sultan Abdul Hamid. We believe it was one, if not the oldest English medium schools in Malaysia. It was set up or managed by the British. We could see from the many displayed photos how the school had changed from colonial rule to the present day. The school had produced a lot of Malaysia's elite - prime ministers, top policemen, military commanders. Even the sultan went there! We explored the lobby and read the historical documents. It was quite fascinating.

Next stop was the newly built rugby club and pavillion. Our friend was on the team and is now an active member of the school alumni. In fact as we were there he was called and asked if he would sponsor the school and provide a washing machine for the boarding house. We posed in front of the club house and were presented with a mini rugby ball with the school name and motto. How nice was that!

Our school tour was followed by Laksa at a famous restaurant on the way to Kuala Kedar. This was completed with chendol and ice kerchang! Both delicious Malay deserts.

Onwards to pick up some supplies from a huge Lotus's shopping mall. We grabbed porridge for breakfast and noodles for our expensive Thai island trip.

We were dropped back at the hotel where we relaxed before our last night out with our friends. It was a little far to walk to the restaurant with live music but another friend kindly collected us. The music was excellent and our friend seemed to know everyone because he was also in the music scene when he was younger. We are rice and beef with a black pepper sauce plus another dish of delicious noodles. We followed this with milk jelly deserts and iced tea and iced coffee! Wow, Malaysia is truly food heaven!

We finished up about 1am but one of our friend's stayed to chat. In a few hours he would collect food for his restaurant from the wholesalers just behind the restaurant, so no reason to go home! They opened at a crazy time in the morning 3am.

We said goodbye to everyone and felt very sad to leave this group of super kind and generous people behind. It was a privilege to be part of their lives for a short time, they welcomed us in with open arms and we will never forget!

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