
We finished off our last bananas. We didn't want to take them with us in our bags as they always end up squashed. After breakfast, we had a short wait for our minibus to arrive.

Just after 11am the backpacker bus turned up. There was a single seat available in the front and a super uncomfortable sideways bench seat in the back. Christine opted for the front seat but what we didn't know was 3 other people were still to be collected! To make room, Darryl moved to the front to sit between Christine and the driver on the no backrest seat! 3 hours later, after a relatively uncomfortable journey, we arrived in Krabi town. We dropped everyone else heading to Phuket at a bus stop and the driver dropped us opposite our hotel.

Check in complete we went for lunch across the street - Chicken rice. After lunch we headed out to explore Krabi town. First stop was Wat Kaew Korawaram a beautiful white temple with a blue roof, up on a hill.

From here we just wandered.  We passed some school children who were repainting a lovely wall mural.  This meant we were near a school and we know from our previous stop in Thailand there would be stalls selling all sorts of goodies for the children when school finishes.  We found a stall and enjoyed a Thai iced tea at a fraction of the price you would usually pay.

We continued walking and spotted a printing shop.  We needed to get some documents printed for our trip to India.  With the help of Google translate we were successful in our mission.

Next we headed through a pretty park, where lots of local people were exercising, which was pretty impressive as it is sooooo hot and on to the river.  There were long-tail boats crossing the river to a village on stilts the other side which might be worth a trip whilst we are here.  We then walked along the river and back in towards land.  We walked through a pretty residential area where everyone smiled and said hello.  Lots of houses had little stalls outside.  We bought some fresh coconut water, bananas and a little paper packet containing what was described as yellow rice - probably Tumeric - a piece of chicken and some chilli sauce which was very tasty.  
We carried on walking and eventually found our way back to our accommodation, discovering there is a huge market just behind where we are staying, so we will have to check that out tomorrow.

After freshening up we went out in search of dinner.  We walked up and down the main road which had a mix of fancy restaurants and street stalls.  We settled on a busy stall selling roast duck and rice and duck with noodle soup.  We ordered one of each and they were both delicious.  At street stalls there is always water and ice for you to help yourself to. This stall also had something green.  The chap told us it was sweet and free and we should try some, so we did.  We are still not sure what it was but it was indeed sweet and quite pleasant! Day done but Darryl woke up at 2am to listen to some information regarding French visas ..

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