Beach Day

After breakfast we headed to the local market and bought some rice, curry and veg for lunch. We then caught the local 'bus' (a jeep with seats in the back) to Ao Nang Beach.

Along the way we picked up a group of French backpackers. The driver threw all their backspacks up onto the roof and told everyone to get in. As much as we all squeezed up there really wasn't enough room for everyone. Two of the lads stood on the back step and held on. After a while they decided to join their backpacks on the roof! A little further along the road the jeep pulled over, the driver got out and asked them to get down, as he had received a phone call from the police!

As we arrived, first at Norrarat beach and then Ao Nang, we could see all the limestone karsts which make a really pretty backdrop.

We jumped out at Ao Nang and walked along the beach in search of some shade. We spotted a wooden walkway going up so decided to go. This was called Monkey Trail as there were lots of monkeys around. Over the other side a was a pretty little beach so we found some shade to sit. We went in for a snorkel but unfortunately the visibility was terrible and we couldn't see a thing!

After having our lunch on the beach we headed back to Ao Nang Beach as we had arranged to meet some friends. We walked right to the end of the beach and found a nice spot to sit. Unfortunately along the way we saw a number of jellyfish washed up on the shore, so none of us were keen to go for a swim. Instead we sat and chatted about our future travel plans whist enjoying the beautiful scenery.

We caught the jeep back to Krabi Town, this time with only 4 of us the whole journey!

In the evening we went to Krabi Walking Street night market. There were lots of stalls selling all sorts of things from clothes, jewellery and souvenirs to all kinds of food. Having completed a full circuit we decided on a Thai green curry and a peanut curry. Both were really tasty but sadly also quite small! We wandered around again and some stalls were reducing their prices so we bought some prawn fishcakes with sweet chilli sauce and ate as we listened to the live music.

On the way back to our accommodation we spotted another little market so went to have a look. Again some of the stalls were reducing their prices. A lovely lady managed to convince us to buy some massaman curry and rice at a bargain price and then gave us 2 side dishes to go with it! We went to bed with very fully bellies!!

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