
Today is trekking day. We had a lot to eat at the hotel. Toast, toast and more toast. We need the energy for our trek through the tea plantations.

We set off for the entry point for path 10 only to find a huge half built block of flats in the way. There was no way through but the friendly gate keeper showed us a way around. We were not the only ones looking for the start - so was everyone else too!

We eventually made our way up a steep muddy slope laden with tree routes. We climbed for a short time and reached a junction. One way continued up to the mountain top and the other started down towards the tea plantations. The route was very pretty with many carnivorous pitcher plants and giant millipedes. Darryl even managed to stand on a small snake!

The route continued down along a stream passing waterfalls and jungle. The only problem was it was muddy! This meant super slippy. There were some fairly awkward climbs down helped by secured ropes. Eventually, we reached a small track and the views opened up across the sea of tea trees!

We went through farms and met a couple of cute puppies. Christine thought they needed a drink and provided them with water until mum arrived with the milk.

At the end is the trail we had to walk through private land to reach a tea shop and tea garden. They charged us 3MYR which seemed to be a new fee post Covid. We explored the tea shop before leaving and hitching a lift back to Tanah Rata along the main road. We were given a ride home by a friendly local who was finishing work in a hotel.

We decided we deserved food, though we had snacked along our route. 2 dosa were ordered at the Indian restaurant before we went back to the hotel for coffee. We purchased a carton of soya milk for a little nutrition.

In the evening we went to  the food area behind where we are staying and ate delicious chicken noodle soup. We chatted to a couple from Woolacombe that we had met earlier in the day before hibernating due to the chill factor!

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