Double Rainbow

We were on our way at 7am with a light easterly breeze to speed us to our next destination. We saw the sunrise as we left and the wind gradually strengthened throughout the day. We made an easy passage in great time. On the way we saw a sunfish, propelling himself at the surface. Very exciting!

Our usual anchorage at Isle des Embiez wasn't crowded with boats as most people have finished there holidays but it looked pretty uncomfortable. We choose a new spot for the night The forecast is for an evening of thunderstorms so we chose our anchorage carefully. We wanted good protection from the gusts that arrive with any storm.

We had thunder, lightning, double rainbows, rain, wierd clouds. You name it we had it.

No thunderstorms during the night. We are anchored in quite an interesting spot. On most sides there are new places to explore. An early morning swim around one small island. On the return the island ferry had dropped of a boat load of swimmers and safety kayaks. They appeared to be completing a charity swim across the bay to Sanary, a distance of at least 2 miles.

We added our little outboard to the tender and headed off to see what 2 dive boats on moorings were looking at. At first we thought they were diving on a wreck but no it was a number of large rocks. We carefully tied to a buoy as we could see divers beneath us. We donned our snorkelling equipment and jumped in. All of the divers were equipped with giant cameras and strobes. It appeared that this was a tiny critter hotspot and they were all delicately balanced taking close up photos.

We clambered out and went to visit the island with a lighthouse before a quick stop at another dive spot. There were no divers at this one and it seemed less interesting.

The afternoon was siesta time before we moved the boat to another spot. From here we can access a few more places tonight and tomorrow.

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